I went to the Appalachian Trail Museum
It was really worth the visit! Lots of trail history.
I also saw the old iron furnace used to smelt the local ore in the 18th and 19th centuries.
It had been raining that morning. By 10 it stopped raining so I set out. By 11 it started raining again so I walked in the. rain.
I had lunch at the next shelter. Fortunately it stopped raining so I dried off a bit.
The trail took me over some rocks.
It seems like the trail masters love to show you their rocks.
I stayed at the shelter Kennedy Shelter with Tennesee and two others.
Distance 15.5
Total distance 1113.5 miles
Salut Paul, c'est génial de suivre ton parcours de jour en jour! Ca me fait rêver et ça me met en mode vacances! Et comment vont tes tendons? Profite bien de la seconde moitié! Bonne marche. Marc Favre