It was the coolest night in quite a number of days. It was is 55°. I had to pull my quilt tight around my neck to stay warm. But the quilt works fine and I was very nice and cozy.
Got up at 5:45 packed and set out at 6:30 AM.
After a steep climb out of the valley where the shelter was located I ended up on walking through farm country.
By 8:30 AM I was in Boiling Springs. It is a very nice little town with many pretty homes. The regional office for the Appalachian Trail conference Is there.
There's also a great little café there so I had second breakfast of eggs Benedict and coffee.
Rest the day was through wooded hedge rows between farm fields. They were many mulberry trees and I ate handfuls of sweet mulberries.
I can't wait until the Black Berries raspberries strawberries are ripe.
The trees have changed noticeably from Virginia. The ash, rhododendrons. Mountain laurels, azaleas have been replaced by Mulberry, Hackberry black cherry choke cherry, black walnut, Elm and sassafras. There are still Chestnut oak, white oak red oak, hickory ash, and White Pine. There are no more Virginia Pines. But shorter leafed pine showed up today.
The trail was the easiest to date.
Only a little climbing and some well spaced rocks on the trail
I crossed both the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Interstate 81.
I arrived at Darlington shelter at 6:45 p.m. I had a supper of Mountainhouse chicken breasts and mashed potatoes thanks to the Ballews.
I pitched my tent a litttle way from the shelter. I went down to the spring about .2 away for water. On the way back I passed the share and I signed the shelte log book and went back to my tent for the night.
Distance: 18 miles
Total distance: 1131.6 miles