Set off at 8:40. A sunny warm spring day brought time for a stretch in the sun about mid morning. My gorilla got a refreshing shot.
Now bunches of flowers are blooming. I think these are Bloodroot. (same as I've been seeing)
Later in the afternoon I can across this cool waterfall and didn't miss the chance to fill my hat and take toss it on my head to cool off. It's so warm I took off the legs to my convertible trousers.
The water has been plentiful. But I'm sure as spring progresses many the springs and creeks will go dry. I have been adding water "purification" tablets that actually disinfect. Today I've been drinking straight out of the springs... the water is so clear. (I do watch the location of the springs for signs of things that might be a source of pollution or bacteria above.)
I saw a grouse today and this little guy. There are lots of woodpeckers and at night, owls.
Today I came across my first ( what is commonly called on the AT) "trail magic". A couple who come out twice year and sit along side the road we're giving cold drinks and snacks to hikers. Today they said fifty people had passed.
Distance 14 miles.
This is so cool to hear about your trip, Paul. I never had any great desire to do the AT before, but you have inspired me. I like that people and shelters are intermittent along the way. Reminds me of the Camino in Northern Spain, another one on my list. Thanks for posting so much, a very fine vicarious trip for us "armchair backpackers". :)